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Aurangzeb weaken the Mughal Empire


To become the ruler Aurangzeb decisively killed his elder brother Daro Shikoh and executed his younger brother and nephew. His militant personality traits caused disintegration in the Mughal family that left incompetent succession with revelries after him. He successfully expanded the Mughal Empire to a vast land during his life time but his successors were not skilful enough to deal with the enemies that Aurangzeb made during invading different parts.

Aurangzeb’s religious orthodoxy towards the Hindu provoked them to rise against the Mughals that caused damaged to the stability of Mughal Empire. There was a secular Mughal state before Aurangzeb, yet in his regime Aurangzeb reversed the secular policies by imposing the Jizah. He destroyed many Hindi temples and put ruthless restrictions on Hindus that made the Hindu’s to rise against the Mughals. Aurangzeb’s idea’s of imposing the strict religious laws in diversified land caused hatred among the common population. Due to this ruthlessness amicability with the Rajput’s reached at the climax. Also his execution of Guru Teg Bahadur, leader of Sikh caused the hostility with the Mughals that soon became a cause to led Mughals drive out of Punjab.

To expand the land Aurangzeb fought wars with Maratha’s for 25 years that weakened the central administration. The economy was already drained by the wars, yet his ignorance to the central government gave opportunity to the provinces to exploit the central economy. The wars in his regime also ruined the industries and trade of subcontinent. He tried to unify the entire subcontinent under one central authority, yet because of the brutality that he created due to his policies it became impossible in practice to apply it. The uprising of other communities against the oppression challenged the Mughal Empire at its very nerve centre around the Delhi by Satnam, Jat and the Sikh raised that weakened the Mughal Empire.

Aurangzeb destabilized the great Mughal Empire because of the lack of political, social and economical insight. This rigid personality and harsh policies failed to deal with a diversified land. Instead of apply the vigorous religious policies; he should have tried to create a pluralistic society as was done by his forefathers. Yet, his determination to extend the power to a vast land led to inclusion of various parts in the Empire, however, the ignorance to the central government shake the roots and wilted blossomed Empire. His policies had a very long negative impact on the politic, integrity and stability of the Mughal rule in the subcontinent.


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