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The Indian History Right from Beginning


The first Indians are believed to be the Aryans, who settled around Indus and Ganges in 1500 BC. It was believed that the Aryans arrived from central Asia, yet the discovery of sophisticated cites, just as Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa enforced the historians to think of their roots from Europe. This world's oldest civilization is known as Indus or Harappa civilization. The residents of this civilization were much civilized, as compared to the Egyptian or other civilizations of the world. They were the farmers who cultivated wheat, cotton, and other crops. Besides this, they were skilled in jewelry making and knew how to trade. In the form of colonies, they were constructing their buildings and were having well drainage system. They were using brick to build their houses, markets and were also having public baths made of brick. The language they used isn’t deciphered so far, thus much of their social life couldn’t be predicted. However, via the sculptures, the practice of their religion is figured out. Women were doing the practices of religion and for any decision, they were consulted. Possibly, this was the time when the cow was considered holy, as milk was their main diet. Socially, they were divided into priests, farmers, and nobles. Around 500 BC the principles of Hinduism and the caste system were formed around this civilization. The upper caste, the Brahmins took over the religious ceremonies that were formally practiced by the women. Around 325 BC Chandragupta Mori settled his empire by conquering the areas of Alexander the Great. His successors were also proved to be outstanding warriors. By 262 BC, the Morian king Ashoka controlled almost the whole Indian peninsula. They were epitomized by their wealth, yet the human suffering during the wars led king Ashoka to let the Buddhism principles. Ashoka's edicts are pieces of evidence of his wisdom and successful ruling period. Additionally, the 19 caves also explain the development of Buddha. In the 4th century a new powerful dynasty emerged, these were the new Gupta’s. Under Chandragupta I, India again became unified. The Gupta’s preceded for a hundred and fifty years. The Gupta age is also vital for the Indian religion. The downfall of Hinduism was re-established by adding the elements of Buddhism during their rule. The White Huns crumbled the ruling of the Gupta’s during the 5th century. In the 6th century, the Rajput’s also settled the empire in the northern parts and the Temples they build remained as their legacy. During the 8th century, the Indian patriot’s attacked an Arab ship that became the reason for the first invasion of Muslims in India. During the 11th century, Mahmoud Ghaznavi invaded most parts of India. Yet, Islam reached the hearts of India under the leadership of Muhammad Gohr. In the time of Muslim rule, Indian Art and Architecture evolved again, resulting in a mixture of Muslim and Indian art. At the end of the 14th century, the Mongols arrived in India. They dissect Delhi Sultanat, took away the Indian treasures but soon left the land after hand over it to their successors. In 1526, a new invasion arrived under the leadership of Baber. He gave the third successful empire to India, the Mughal Empire. The early Mughal emperors such as Akbar never tried to impose Islam on the populace, yet integrate with them. However, it was Aurangzeb and his successors whose intolerance towards Hinduism and other religions failed the efforts of ancestors to unify the Land. Though they were known to be the richest kings in the world, they couldn’t unify the diverse land. Under the Mughal rule, linguistic and Art developed to a vast level. The Architectural interest of Mughal kings gifted India marvellous monuments, the most compelling is the Taj Mahal. At the beginning of the 18th century, the British entered the land for trade purposes. Yet, ruled the land for a century and then left India, dividing it into two parts.

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