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Company Law (Introduction and definition)


Introduction to Company Law in Pakistan

Company law is a regulatory law, it’s not a substantial law that regulates the conduct of companies. Before the Companies Act 2017, the matters related to companies were regulated by the   Companies Ordinance, 1994. It is believed that the Companies Act, as a sole law can’t entirely deal with the matters related to the company. Thereby, we have various Acts, rules, and institutions that are involved in supervising the matters related to the company. In Pakistan Security Exchange Commission, is a proper institute to deal with the companies. Security Exchange Ordinance 1971, Security Exchange Commission of Pakistan Act 1997, Mudarabah Companies Act, Listed Company Ordinance, Single-member Companies Rules, Companies rules, Companies Rehabilitation rules, Leasing Company Rules, Non-banking Financing Rules, and else.

Functions of Company law

 Company law provides an enabling environment so that they can grow economically according to the social policies. It gives a minimum standard of business integrity through which we can enhance the environment of participation and conduct of one businessman against the other businessman. The law provides a regulatory system that attempts to minimums the risks for the businessman to secure the capital of the company. One of the most important functions of law is it provides a proper procedure to appoint the managers who work as an agent of the company and bind them not to work against the interest of the company.  Also, at the time of winding up, it gives a clear procedure that ensures the interest of all the people working in the company.

Definition of Company

The word company is derived from “Panis” which means break. Company means eating the bread together.  Corporation word is interchangeably used for companies but both have differences. The company law lies at the core of the world’s capitalist system.

According to the theory of the corporation, it is defined “as an artificial being, invisible, intangible, and existing only with the contemplation of law by the state and possesses a legal personality that enables it through its agents and representative to do things as a natural person. It is an artificial person whose entire life and character depend on the law that brings it into being.”

A company is an association of persons united for a common object.

Company with its Artificial personality is created by the law through which it acquire a separate legal entity with perpetual succession and a common seal.

 Reference: Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee, M.Ibrahim Abdullah Khan Nayazee, Company Law 2019


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