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Effect of Registration (section 18)

After registration, the company becomes a corporate personality with all of the rights and duties. The subscribers to the memorandum, along with other persons can become members of the company. After the registration, the company gets the perpetual succession as a common seal. The status and register office of the company should be stated in connection with the application registration and for the company having share capital, the subscribers to the memorandum become the holders of the initial shares. The directors become appointed to the office.

Importance of Certificate of Incorporations

The certificate of incorporation contains the date of creation of the company, name of the company incorporated, statement whether it is limited or unlimited, and the companies domicile of that respective province. The certificate is the proof of birth of the company.

Section 32, gives the future members and the subscribers the capability to exercise all the functions of the incorporation after it is registered. The certificate of the company shows whether the object of the company is lawful or not.

Section 16(8) makes the certificate conclusive evidence of the birth and existence of the company in accordance with the Company Act.

Bowman v Secular Society Ltd

The object of the company formed contains that it will promote the principle based on human conduct and not upon the super nature. The lower court held the object unlawful because of going against Christianity. However, the House of Lords held that it was not unlawful.

Stephenson &Son Ltd v Gillanders &Co

The company was trading the jute. The court called it ultra vires because the trading of jute was not included in the objects of the Memorandum.


A private company can start the business after the registration and can exercise borrowing powers, issue shares, and enter into binding contracts. However, the public company needs to set some conditions under section 19 to start its business.

 Steps to be Followed after Registration

·         Names and numbers of the first directors have to be determined by the majority of subscribers to the memorandum (S157)

·         The Director of every company require to appoint the first chief executive (186)

·         Within 90 days the first auditor is required to be appointed by the directors

·         The registrar should be notified of any change in directors, Chief Executive, Auditors, Chief Accountant, or legal advisor and in any appointment or election.(197)

·         A company is needed to notify the registrar office with 30 days (21)

·         A private company can start its business soon after the registration yet a public company needs to meet the requirements of Section 19

·         Within 18 months of incorporation, Annual General Meeting Should be held (S132)


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